My dad keeps a tab on the Stock market quite closely, he is on the TV almost every weekday from 10 AM till 3 PM. He is also a lot on the phone talking to his brokers, friends, acquaintances about the prizes of shares, which one is catching up, which one needs selling. What the market looks like for the day and all that....
Pratham is usually around, playing with his toys or generally goofing around.
But, that day it occurred to me he secretly does something more too.. Though his eyes might be on the 'N' no. of car's he has. But his ears were definitely not on them. This is how I realized it.
papamm: " Amma( This is what he calls me rather than a mummy!!), what will Nana( Grandpa) do tomorrow with the stock market?"
Me: amazed by the words stock market from his mouth! " What , stock market?? What do you know about it and why are you asking??"
papamm: " Ask him to but Tata Motors tomorrow, the market will go down" and he slept.
I was completely in a shocked state at the words, Stock market, Tata Motors coming out from a 3 Year old kid.
I just stared at my Dad in amazement and excitement, he too was doing the same. We bursted into a huge laugh after this.
And my dad now, asks his little expert for advice to be followed in the day.