Thursday, November 16, 2023

Suddenly there is a change in Pratham's behavior, he longer yearns for me as much he did earlier

He no longer eagerly waits for me to return from office in the evening, instead, he is worried and sad his play mate left 10 seconds before he was supposed to leave for dinner! I don't even get a smile from him or for that matter a look when i return from office. And if I go, take the plunge, and give him a hug, his attitude will be like"Geez! Mom be done with it fast!"

My affection score is declining, and how! I think on a scale of 100, my score has gone from 80 to 40! Yes, I never scored a100 with him, that only happens with Grandpa, the only person on earth who gets Pratham 'Affection Score' to be 100 is grandpa and that position can not be taken over by anyone, none, just plain no one. (Though, a while before I though I am getting there, that I was finally wining the esteemed position, but no, that never happened, how foolish of me to even think!)

So, no more sweet kisses or hugs for me, no more calling me on my cell phone to say"mommy, please come back quick" :-(

God! am I really hating this? Is this going to ever end? Is this just a passing phase? Where is my clinging baby gone? It seems as though he is ready to explore the world on his own, without clinging to his mommy, just on his own. His friends, play-mates, his games, his scooter his much more important over mommy. I want my sweet baby to return! and I hope it does. Though somehow I have a feeling this is how kids grow up, there will be point where they leave the comfort and warm of their mother and just start exploring the world.


On a different note, this is what I got winning by first ever bloggy giveaway! Thank you TravelinOma! This just made my day, it arrived a couple of days ago. The best thing about holding this book is, its traveled all the way across the globe, crossed continents, oceans to be in my hand, and its sent by a person I have never met in person, but with whome I connect everyday. Everyday while reading her blog I imagine her, like how she sits writing her blog or how she must be feeling happy and content after writing a new post, or....ok I can go on here..

I love blogging, this is the best thing after Google to happen to the Internet!

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