Monday, August 4, 2008

The Teacher

Last night before bed time(actually, way past the bed time), Pratham was at his highest energy levels, which is usually the case. He always has every thing to talk about and every car to play on his pretend Highway(which is the bed) just before bed-time. I see it, of course as a way he tries to procrastinate bed-time. Its a task getting him to sleep everyday.

Anyways, a little conversation with him around this time had me in splits!

Me: Pratham, you did your homework today?
Pratham: Yes, finished
Me: Say, how is your teacher, Miss G, is she very strict? ( out of curiosity)
Pratham: (nodding his head heavily from left to right ) Nooooo
Pratham: (comes to me and whispers in my ears) You know what? She always calls me "Hi Handsome!"

I was in splits at this cute-honest answer. I am assuming he likes her a lot and does not feel Miss G is strict in any way. And probably she is not!


gau said...

As we all know MR. HANDSOME is very naughty..hahahaha

Boskey said...

yep Gauri, imagine the fun we had last night with his Homework!

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